My Furry Friends

2011/07/17 § 17 Comments

Meet my lovable furry friends who came to visit and who I’m visiting this summer.  They’ve been the perfect houseguest and companion.

Here is James Arthur D (aka Artie).

Artie’s so great to walk around the streets with, keeping in step with me and stopping at intersections.  He’s so well-behaved and doesn’t fuss even when he has to wait outside restaurants while we’re brunching.  Neither does he complain in the company of hysterical people watching a mad game of futbol…

He’s the cutest little dog!

And this is ImmanueI Kant (aka Manny) who is also Artie’s friend

He’s got to be the sweetest cat around.  See how he sleeps with me…with his arms extended over my arm, as in a hug.

Or with his paw and head draped over an arm…

He sits patiently while I’m in front of the computer for hours…and when he can’t take it anymore, actually stands and reaches over the chair and taps my back.  And when he thinks it’s bedtime, he starts jumping up and down the bed to tell me it’s time for me to sleep as well.

He loooooves to sleep…

And even reads the blog with me…

He doesn’t content himself with nestling in the crook of my arms…

One morning, I woke up with this furry ball snoozing on top of my chest (fat belly, four legs, and all), his head on my shoulders.  Snoring….

Don’t I have the most adorable friends??!!


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